Feral Gentry the amazing very serious internet experience!

A couple of months ago - May 30th to be exact - the first handful of pages of a new webcomic, Feral Gentry were published. It tells the story of Tuomi, an antisocial faery who lives alone among humans - not for long, though. If I had to label it, I’d probably categorise it into new weird, speculative fiction and/or drama. The comic updates on Wednesdays.

My exchange at Southampton Solent University last year propelled my urge to include animation in our next comic (and this happened to be our next comic), for learning and entertainment purposes. Thus far it has been a rewarding experience! I really enjoy learning to make loops, and the fact I can bypass some hard decisions about panel timing and impress someone slightly at the same time is exhilarating. There are older comic projects on the internet that use similar methods, but I sincerely believe FG is pretty unique as a whole.

Feral Gentry has been in planning for a long time - the first drafts of the script were written around 2007 - but we only entered active planning phase early in 2012. The first pages were drawn in March and since it’s launch it has updated one page per week with the occasional double update to speed things up. Currently there are 23 pages for your reading pleasure!

The overall storyline of the comic will consist of four chapters, roughly 100 pages each. It’s going to be quite an undertaking in terms of both time and workload, but we’ve been wanting to make a long comic for quite some time. Later on we are planning on self-publishing the comic in print form as well, so we’ve tried to plan the animated panels so that they can also be presented as still images.

You can read the comic here - on your desktop computer! The comic utilises Flash and the animated pages are .swf’s so sadly they do not work on Apple phones or tablets (Android still supports Flash). Moving on to HTML5 at some point has been contemplated but it’s a change we don’t have the resources to implement yet.  The comic’s currently hosted on Smackjeeves and I’ve heard some people on the internet say it’s quite good!
P.S. When I say “we” I’m referring to the authors Anayte Delahay (illustrator, actual IMP student) and Matti Delahay (writer).  We hope you enjoy!